it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

When I first started writing this post to share with you, it was much closer to the beginning of December. Now, it is much closer to the end of December, or at least it will be by the time I finish writing it. So, yes, my title is a little iffy because it should look a lot like Christmas now, but I'm still keeping it. In my world, we celebrate Christmas. And Christmas needs snow. And coldness. That's because I have always lived in a northern seasonal part of the world, aside from my first six months of life spent

2019-04-05T07:46:50-04:00December 18th, 2017|Archives|2 Comments

my “happy moments” coloring book is ready on amazon

My "Happy Moments" Coloring Book for Big People is now available on Amazon and I am just tickled beyond words. I won't ruin the story of how this book came to be (for those who love coloring books for grown-ups and just might add this to their list of needs this year), because I included it in my book, but it has been a project in the making for the last two years. Toward the end of October I realized that I was really close to being finished and if I buckled down, I just might have it ready

2019-04-05T07:46:50-04:00November 26th, 2017|Archives|4 Comments

gift ideas, catching up, & selfie struggles

Hello, my BFF's. It's November. It snowed a bit. It's hard not to get excited. I will get right to two gift ideas and one on the way (hopefully) in case I lose you as I start my gift of gab. I could get swallowed up in a bookstore for days, I just love them. Especially the children's department. I found this gem there while shopping for a birthday gift and had to pick it up for me. Being a dreamer, I need reminders every so often to keep me going. This is a really fun gift for anyone in

2019-04-05T07:46:50-04:00November 10th, 2017|Archives|Comments Off on gift ideas, catching up, & selfie struggles
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